How Long Does It Take to Achieve a Full Split

How Long Does It Take to Achieve a Full Split

“Hello everyone. I have been working on my flexibility with the intention to achieve a full split. My concern is that I feel like my progress is super slow, and I’m not sure if I’m doing something wrong.

Does anyone know how much time it takes someone who is not that flexible to achieve this goal? I stretch my body almost every day, and seem to have tightness around the hips and hamstrings. Should I be focusing more on active flexibility rather than just holding static stretches? In addition to that, are there any programs or methods for novice learners which could help improve strength and flexibility at the same time?

My goal is to improve fitness and mobility while reducing the risk of getting injured. Therefore, I am particularly interested in learning how to attain a full split without putting myself at risk of injury.”

One of the most common questions is, “How long will it take me to do a split?” Unfortunately, there is no standard answer to this question. Some people achieve this in a matter of weeks, while others may take months or even years. But if you’re consistent and disciplined with your training, then their timelines would be greatly reduced.

We will look into the following in this article:

  • The factors that comes in the way of your development;
  • Faster training styles that gets the job done;
  • Tips and tricks of mistakes that are done most often and how one can avoid them;
  • Best practices for enhancing flexibility.

Continue reading to understand how one can increase their fitness degrees and try an attempt at doing a split without the risk of injury.

The Formula for Achieving a Split

Consider how to achieve flexibility as an equation: T = X × Y × Z

Each variable determines how quickly you will achieve a split.

X – Everything is Genetic When It Comes to Body Somatotype.

  • Those individuals who tend to have wide hips split rather enjoy doing splits;
  • Some may have tighter hip joints so they will have to wait for some time;
  • Almost everyone can do a split as long as they put in the correct amount of training.

Y – What Kind of Stretching Techniques Do You Employ

There are two primary approaches to exercises that improve range of motion:

  • Passive Stretching: Movement in which one muscle is relaxed and the antagonist muscle has been contracted. For instance, static hamstring stretches;
  • Active Stretching: Muscles are contracted while they are being stretched. For example, holding a split position whilst lifting one leg.

Why does this matter: Regarding flexibility, not only your muscles but also your nervous system is responsible. If your brain senses a stretch as something that will make you unbalanced, it will resist. And this is why you must incorporate active and passive systems in flexible training!

Z – Consistency & Effort

  • If you train once a week, your progress will be painfully slow;
  • Training every day allows for more gains;
  • Training 2-3 times a week? Your flexibility will improve consistently over time.

Most likely, you will see the results quite rapidly.

The golden rule: Flexibility requires time and cannot be improved in a matter of days. If you are too aggressive, injuries tend to become a greater probability than progress.

Why One Side is More Flexible Than the Other

If you happen to have one leg that seems more adept at stretching than the other, then worry not – this is perfectly natural! Your body’s asymmetry:

  • The majority of the people can name a side that feels powerful and well coordinated, thanks to modern sports and stretching routines;
  • In these modern times, one side is preferred for sitting, walking and even stretching.

How to Fix Asymmetry in Splits

  • Target exercises by stretching to the side that requires the most attention;
  • Try focusing more on seated splits and other exercises for the feet;
  • Stay patient – it will deviate out over time in progress!

Vertical Split: What Is Going Wrong

You may be able to do a floor split, but lift your leg with difficulty in standing. Here is the reason:

No Flexibility Reserve

To hold a leg straight vertically, you should require more than 180 degrees.

Objective: Ensure having minimum 200 degree flexibility in a passive split to succeed in making 180 degrees while in the air.

Lethargic Muscles

  • Lifting of a leg is not solely muscular, it also requires a certain degree of flexibility;
  • Active flexibility is required for that stretch, your muscles must keep the stretch without any external support.


  • Leg lifts to bolster hip flexors;
  • Use core and glutes to assist in holding the position.

Final Takeaways: There is no range of motion freedom without muscle control, flexiblility alone is not enough.

A Cold Split: Is It Safe

Many wonder, “Can a split without a stretch be done?” can be phrased differently, “can I do a split without warming up”. The answer will be based on a person’s specific flexibility, and how well one’s nervous system has adapted to the change.

What Do You Need for a Cold Split:

  • A relaxed split after performing a warm-up;
  • Allows good control of the nervous system (active stretching);
  • Strong musculature that underpins the joints.

Caution: If there is pain during the split, even after warming up, DO NOT attempt it cold!

Is there a more effective way of going about it

Always undertake a short mobility warm up before any stretches. Doing even a short five-minute mobility session is far from useless.

Is the Split Needed for Fitness

Some trainers stress that achieving a split is not a requirement of fitness. Others argue that it is a goal worth achieving. So, what is the answer?

The Pros of Learning a Split

  • Increases hip mobility and improves joint integrity;
  • Helps to guard against certain injuries by increasing range of movement;
  • Enhances blood flow and lowers muscle soreness;
  • Improves muscle control and muscle strength.

But: A split should not be regarded as a motion that keeps you fit. This is just one of the movements in an extensive system of exercises. Most recommended? Do not try to split. Train to learn how to be flexible.

Rules for Safe Stretching

If one wants to develop fitness without pain, the basic rules should be observed:

While Forward Folds, Keep Your Back Straight. Rounding the back should not be an option if you are looking to get the best out of the stretch.

Perhaps a more unorthodox sequence can be followed. Always consider keeping the spine neutral at all times when stretching the hamstring. 

Considering the amount and types of receptors in the skin, stretching can be morphed into splitting through motions that can aid in relaxing the mind muscles while working on the hamstring. Now, more carefully, let’s stretch that still rigid and tight hamstring.

Ready to start

Join our stretching program in which you will learn how to be flexible with the utmost safety and speed.

Tell us in the comments: how long did it take you to achieve a split leg position? Are you still breaking your record? We would love to hear it from you.