
Reasons Why a Warm-Up Should Never Be Skipped

“Have you ever skipped your warm-up routine before working out? Well I have, and that’s because it feels like a waste of time. Recently, I came across an article that states warm-ups are as crucial as the actual workout, and now I can’t help, but wonder if I’ve been causing injury to myself without actually knowing it.

How long should the warm up duration be? What are the best warm up exercises corresponding to all the different types of workouts? Do I need a separate warmup for strength training or for fitness classes, or for home fitness exercises? Finally, can one get carried away and overdo a warm up so that they end up fatigued even before the workout?

I would like to enhance my fitness capabilities without having increased chances of sustaining injuries, so, what would be the most efficient and effective techniques for warming up?”

Warming Up is a Crucial Aspect of an Exercise Routine

Skipping it altogether can have drastic impacts on your overall performance and can even put you at risk for severe injuries, and other adverse outcomes.

Many individuals neglect warm-ups because of limited time, assuming they can directly start their workout. Truth is, you’ll find that a warm-up is equally, if not more, important than the workout itself. Leaving out a warm-up completely can give rise to muscle strains, joint stress, and other cardiovascular problems.

In this guide, we will look at the importance of warming up, how to do it right and the most effective techniques to get your muscles, joints, and heart ready for what lies ahead.

One Best Reason Would Be To Prevent Injuries

As with any good exercise, warm-up should always be done first. This increases muscle strain through the following means:

  1. Decreases the likelihood of strains as there is an increased muscle elasticity;
  2. Smoothens the movement of joints by ensuring the synovial fluid is produced;
  3. Decreasing tears by preparing tendons and ligaments for higher offers.

With cold muscles, it is hard to jump into an intense workout, but more importantly, it is painful, and the injury might take weeks, if not months, to heal.

It Reinforces Your Ability to Breathe and the Heart’s Functions

It is standard to say a warm-up is for the muscles, however, it actually boosts your heart rate and oxygen flow to the working muscles, which is what needs more energy and blood in order to perform any work. 

The muscles are not the only ones affected by sudden movements from resting to vigorous activity. This can lead to a shock in the heart which has adverse reactions such as dizziness, and irregular heartbeats.

It Boosts Results

Have you ever felt out of breath at the start of your exercise regimen? That might be a sign a few things are off, but likely your body wasn’t prepared. A good warm-up helps:

  • Driving more blood to muscles, thus improving blood circulation;
  • Enhancing range of motion, allowing you to perform exercises more efficiently;
  • Coordinated effort involving different organs, systems, and tissues in the body, which is the central nervous system, is activated, improving coordination and reaction time.

Do you want to make sure that you get the best out of your fitness routines? There are plenty of options for targeting or dialling back equipment and setting quotas for rest time, but warm-up is also crucial.

How to Warm Up Correctly: Adapting It To Your Training

The kind of warm-up you choose must match the level of anticipated effort in the coming training session. Here is how to formulate the warm-up according to different forms of exercises:

Gentle Exercises: Moderate Intensity Yoga, Beginner Pilates, Gentle Stretching

Warm-up moves:

  • Slow joint rotations (neck, shoulders, wrists, hips, knees);
  • Exercise deep breaths to engage the diaphragm;
  • Gentle mobility drills such as cat-cow stretches, spinal twists.

This allows the body to prepare without going beyond muscle strain limits.

Distance Running Or Aerobic Sessions

Warm-up moves:

  • Toe raises and heel walking for foot and ankle activation;
  • Dynamic lunges to open up the hip flexors;
  • Gradual pace increase starting with brisk walking at a speed of 5 minutes – 10-minute miles.

This routine helps ensure that joints and the cardiovascular system are ready to be impacted.

Strength Training: Lifting Weights, Bodyweight Training

Priming Activities:

  • Mobility drills (wrist, elbow, shoulder, hip, knee);
  • Resistance workout (bodyweight squats, push-ups, band exercises);
  • Set repetitions with lighter weights before increasing loads.

As a rule of thumb, the more complex the exercises are, the more expansive the warm-up should be. In ten to fifteen minutes, you should achieve a satisfactory body temperature for weight lifting.

Achieving Results From Working Out At Home

There are people who tend to think that working out at home is not as efficient as it would be for gym or fitness club training. The truth is, amazing results are possible, but only if home workouts are done properly.

Have A Target and Stick To Workout Schedule

Consider the following questions:

  • Is weight loss desirable?
  • Strength training progress?
  • Is better endurance desired?

Your objective will dictate what exercises, and what style of workout, will be most effective.

Compound Exercises With Muscles In Action

Rather than isolated movements, give priority to exercises that target specific muscle areas, for instance:

Those movements simulate real life actions while helping you to engage the largest amount of muscle tissue.

Slow Down Do Not Rush- Move Towards Correct Form

Poor techniques when lifting weight invariably means injury and wasted effort. Instead of rushing, take your time to learn it, and with practice, the speed will come. Make use mirrors, videos, or fitness trainers over the net to help you.

Increase the Challenge Step by Step

If over time progress is stagnating, it is highly plausible that your routine is comprosising with the workload that you are putting It. Here is how you can increase the productivity of your training:

  • Increase repetitions or sets on a weekly basis;
  • Change to more challenging variations (e.g. push-ups instead of knee push-ups);
  • Use resistance bands or weights found around the house;
  • Include home weights or resistance bands;

Always Keep Yourself Updated

Use a workout journal:

  • Note reps, sets, or weights that you have utilized;
  • Take monthly progress photos;
  • Make a note of energy levels and consistency of workouts.

Motivation is at its peak when results are clearly visible, and the ability to adjust the routine for optimal results encourages motivation.

The Reasons Behind Warm Ups And Muscles

Most people think that muscles do not grow due to warm-ups, however, research evidence suggests the opposite. Studies show that aerobic exercises performed at sixty percent heart rate reserve for 15-35 mins enhance strength training ( Chris Beardsley, Strength Researches).

How it works:

  • Change in Muscle Temperature: Increased ATP energy turnover;
  • Provide Better Oxygen: Lower lactate concentration;
  • Increase Neuromuscular Recruitment: Enhanced strength and power.

But overdoing cardio has its drawbacks. Too extreme of a cardio session before weight lifting can dampen muscle growth through excessive fatigue. Moderation is everything.

5 Strategies to Reduce the Risk Associated with Joints During Workouts

Joint safety is important for sustaining fitness activities over the years. Here are best practices to lessens the fitness routine’s load on the joints:

  • React to Your Body’s Pain: If you experience pain doing an exercise, swap it out or change it in some way;
  • Perform Slow, Gradual Movements: Do not use sudden or forceful movements that may injure or tear tissues;
  • Prefer Free Weight Training to Machine Exercises: Using dumbbells is less stressful on the joints because they mimic natural movement;
  • Always Warm Up Before Heavy Lifting: Gets the muscles and joints ready for challenging exercises;
  • Mix Up High Effort Exercise With Lower Effort Recovery: Exercise performed at a moderate intensity should be paired with high intensity activities.

If these practices are not followed, it can lead to chronic pain or serious injuries which can greatly reduce one’s productivity for months.

Takeaway: Skipping a Proper Warm-Up is Out of the Question

Whether you are doing exercise in a fitness club, participating in exercise-based fitness classes or doing gym exercises for beginners, a proper warm-up is a must. A good workout warm-up can:

  • Prevent injuries;
  • Enhance efficiency of workouts;
  • Ready muscles, joints, and heart for greater workload.

Next time you feel like you need to get right into your workout, remind yourself of this: Warm-up without workout is better than workout without warm-up!

  • Make it a point to include 10 minutes of warm-up exercises prior to every workout session;
  • Employ progressive overload in your home workouts to get the most out of them;
  • Train smarter to put brisket health as your number one priority.

Get Started Now!

Hula Hoop and bloating issues

Why Hula Hoops and Other “Fat-Burning” Tricks Don’t Work

“If my weight doesn’t reduce with weighted hula hooping for a few weeks, then is there any use to put effort in‎? I’m trying to improve my fitness and get rid of stubborn belly fat, but I don’t want to waste time on stuff that is ineffective. I am starting to wonder whether all the claims done regarding fitness equipment like the hula hoop and massage rollers are true. 

So, if hula hoops don’t help with fat loss, do they at least improve circulation, lymphatic fluid drainage, and overall peripheral tissue nutrition? I wish to seek some guidance on what is actually helpful.”

Where do people who have hula hoop hopes have faith that moving a hula hoop would do anygood? Operating under the belief that specialized saunas, heated blankets and hula hoops can somehow alter calories like magic, while ignoring the laws of thermodynamics, just reeks of pure ignorance.

Fat cells cannot be “shattered” using external forces. No matter how hard you try, spinning a hoop around your waist would not make your body burn fat from that area. What may very temporarily happen is, less bloating due to improved lymphatic drainage.

This is equally applicable for many other so-called “fat loss” treatments. Health and fitness are things that must be taken at a larger level — not just squishy tools that guarantee rapid weight loss will do the trick. In this article, we will outline the reasons why some fat loss techniques are so popular but are ineffective and what actually works when it comes to body shaping, enhancing blood flow, and reducing excess fluid retention.

What Doesn’t Work for Cutting 

While Some techniques may assist minimally, they are certainly not a means of cutting fat. Some myths include:

Massage and Self-Massages

Massage therapy enhances blood circulation and supports lymphatic drainage, but fat is not something so easily “squeezed” out your body. At the most, the only visible result may perhaps be less bloating because of better circulation.

Device-Based Treatments (LPG, Cryotherapy, Endospheres, etc)

There are many new treatments that claim to get rid of fat using sophisticated devices. These may diminish the appearance of cellulite and improve skin quality but, at the end of the day, they do not get rid of fat cells. 

Instead, what they do is provide temporary fluid drainage which enhances the smoothness of skin.

Sauna and Sweat Based Weight Loss Techniques

While staying in a sauna or covering yourself in plastic sheets before exercising may help maximize sweating, it does aid in fat loss- it simply removes water from your body. The weight loss trick stops working once you drink water, and it would return back to normal.

If the aim is to improve fitness results, it is best to concentrate on consistent changes in lifestyle, and not on quick fixes.

The Causes of Swelling and Water Retention

One of the leading causes of people feeling “bloated” is not fat, it is excess fluid. Retaining water can often give one the impression of weight gain, when in fact, it’s just your body’s natural mechanisms reacting to an unhealthy diet or lifestyle-related stress.

Why Does The Body Retain Water

  • Poor Circulation of Lymph: The lymphatic system is a vital bodily system that gets rid of metabolic waste. An underactive system means that there is swelling and slow circulation;
  • Posture Problems and Muscle Tension: A poor sitting posture combined with a tight chest and prolonged static body positions can disrupt lymphatic drainage leading to facial, limb and abdominal edema;
  • Inadequate Hydration: Not drinking sufficient amounts of water can actually be problematic in terms of hydration;
  • Excessive Sodium Consumption: The retention of excess fluids in the body is caused by sodium which leads to edema.

If you notice an increase in body weight, particularly around the arms and stomach post- fasting or if your rings no longer fit onto your fingers, then these changes can be attributed to excess water retention and not an increase in weight.

Techniques to Minimize Water Retention And Enhance Blood Flow

It is of utmost importance to guarantee focus on hydration and other long-term methods instead of looking for quick resolutions in order to heighten overall health and fitness. Some strategies to lessen bloating and edema include:

Work on Reducing Sedentary Lifestyle

In order to decrease water retention, sitting less and standing and moving more is advised. Because there is no mechanism to pump the lymphatic system, exercises such as walking, jogging or running become crucial as fluid in the limbs is circulated, provided you don’t sit all day.


  1. If working in an office, set an alarm every hour to take a short, five-minute break and do some body stretches;
  2. Do some light exercises or take a short walk after meals;
  3. Engage in a mental stretch every once in a while to get your blood flowing again, your favorite yoga routine should help.

Optimal Lymphatic Drainage Through Postural Correction

Concentrate on actions that hinder the movement of lymph fluid:

  • Increase the Mobility of the Shoulders and Chest: Slouched posture makes it more difficult for lymph to perform its function, leading to facial and upper body swelling;
  • Stretch the Lower Back and Mobilize the Hip Joints: This region might be stuffed up and not allow lymph fluid to go upwards, causing legs and ankles to puff up.

By engaging in postural control as well as mobility control exercises, you will, for one, improve circulation and ease the stiffness caused by water retention.

Proper Nutrition and Fluid Intake

To cell, not replenishing water to avoid bloating is sensible, but it can lead to dehydration which! Instead, try:

  • Drinking 20-25 ml of water for everyday movement. Everything you do requires energy;
  • Cutting back on meals with too much sodium because they help keep too much water in the body;
  • Potassium food sources such as bananas and oranges will help combat too much salt.

Enhance Lymphatic Movement with Natural Solutions

These are some methods that assist in controlling the swelling and boosting blood circulation:

Teas to Drink that Aid the Lymphatic System

Herbal teas specifically made to detox the body are effective:

  • Ivan Tea: Assists in moving blood and lowers inflammation;
  • Dandelion Root Tea: Functions as a naturally occurring diuretic to get rid of excess liquids.

Coconut Oil Pulling

Oil pulling helps to detox and remove bacteria from the lymphatic system. This is how you can do it:

  • Put one tablespoon of warmed coconut oil in your mouth for five to ten minutes;
  • Remove the coconut oil without swallowing it to get rid of toxins.

Hydrotherapy Using Salt and Epsom Salts With Showers

Water exercises or therapy broadens and increases blood circulation and eases swelling. This includes:

  • Epsom Salt Baths: Dissolution of 250 mg of salt in a warm bath helps get rid of excess fluid;
  • Contrast Showers: Switching from warm to cold water boosts blood circulation and eases inflammation.

Mistakes Made in Managing Swollen Tissues and Water Retention

A few mistakes made when attempting to manage the swelling consists of:

What You Should Avoid

  • Cutting Down On Drinking Water: Not drinking water when dehydrated makes retention of fluids worse;
  • Doing Too Much Cardio: High-impact cardio workouts can over-stress the body without proper hydration, resulting in unnecessary inflammation;
  • Depending Solely on Saunas and Sweat-Based Techniques: Losing fluid through sweating is not an effective form of fat loss, as your body does not shed fat;
  • Wearing Very Tight Clothes and High Heels Too Often: Outfits or footwear such as these often can cause shallow blood flow, resulting in the swelling of legs and feet.

Try to develop habits that help maintain balance in fitness rather than focusing on rapid short-term results.

Final Thoughts: The Correct Way Of Getting Rid Of Fat and Decreasing Ailment Swelling

Gimmicky methods will only serve to distract from your real goal. An optimal focus on science-backed, sustainable solutions is what gets the job done. Specialized devices and saunas serve no purpose and needlessly massage away fat cells that won’t disappear by themselves.

To achieve a decrease in bloating while sculpting your body, you need to do the following:

  • Enhance your hydration, including your electrolytes;
  • Regularly move about to help improve circulation;
  • Mobility and posture needs improvement so as to get rid of lymphatic blocks;
  • Detoxification can be aided by hydrotherapy and herbal teas.

Starting today! Replace ineffective methodologies with methods that are long-term and step-and-solve. Begin with expert-backed techniques, and intermingle with our community at TheFitnessFolder.com. Senior, women, and beginner friendly exercise routines, as well as fit-for-purpose discussions are waiting.

Begin the path to achieving a wholesome and fit physique today!

Woman loses water weight with fitness folder's experts advice

How to Lose Water Weight Fast and Improve Fitness Health

“Hey experts, I’ve been struggling with water retention for a while, and it’s really frustrating! I wake up feeling puffy, my face looks swollen, and by the end of the day, my legs and feet feel heavy. I’ve read that water retention can add a few kilos to your weight, which I’ve definitely noticed. I try to drink enough water, but sometimes it feels like my body is just holding onto everything.

Could you give me some advice on the best ways to reduce bloating and improve lymphatic drainage? Also, are there any specific fitness exercises for women or simple at-home routines that can help with this? I want to elevate fitness without feeling sluggish all the time. Any guidance would be really appreciated!”

Water retention (or edema) is something most of us are likely to face at some point and it does not seem to be a big deal. It leads to unfitted bulging, swelling, and an artificial increase in weight. In reality, excessive water can range from an extra kilogram to three in terms of weight depending on its severity and the reason behind it. Fortunately, one can easily take care of these “free” kilos by bringing the body’s condition to longing within a short span of time.

Small steps like ensuring the right quantity of water intake, active lifestyle, lower sodium intake can help raise fitness levels, circulation, and provide a sense of lightness. In this guide, I hope to enlighten you about physical fitness in edema and provide practical approaches to lessen bloating, increase lymphatic drainage, and general well being.

Understanding Water Retention: What Causes It

Some people suffer from fluid retention and are unaware of its signs. Do you wake up with a puffy face? Does your body feel heavier in the evenings? Are you having trouble removing the rings off your fingers? These are all indications that a body has excess water and is retaining it.

Body water retention can be caused by various disorders like:

  • Poor Circulation: For extended periods, sitting or standing can cause fluids to settle or pool in your lower limbs creating uneven circulation;
  • High Sodium Intake: When more salt than the recommended daily intake of 2.3 grams is consumed, it restricts the body’s ability to excrete water and retains it to keep a balanced concentration of electrolytes;
  • Hormonal Fluctuation: The changes in pre-menopausal women that undergo bloating is a result of the fluctuation of estrogen and progesterone levels;
  • Stress and Undersleeping: These two elements lead to increase in cortisol levels in the body which can disrupt the balance of fluids in the body;
  • Nutrient Deficiency: Not having a balanced potassium and magnesium intake can worsen fluid retention.

While it is perfectly normal to experience water retention in small quantities, incidentally retaining excessive amounts can be complicated, especially while trying to achieve any fitness goals like weight loss or muscle building, which can further slow down progress.

How to Reduce Water Retention: Proven Strategies

If you want to reduce fluid retention in your body, consider these techniques:

Drink Enough Fluids

Drinking fluids should be the least of your problems when trying to eliminate bloatedness. Drinking more water when bloating takes place actually helps as it flushes out excess fluids from your body. 

Your body holds onto water when it is trying to protect itself from dehydration which further amplifies the bloating. To maintain hydration balance:

  • For every kilogram of body weight, consume 20-25 ml of water on a daily basis, this applies to guys sitting at home, and need to stay hydrated;
  • Distribute your fluid consumption evenly throughout the day;
  • Ingest hydrating food such as cucumbers, celery, and watermelon.

The body’s removal of toxins, and improved lymphatic system and kidney function all require proper hydration, which leads to better fitness and health.

Reduce Consumption of Sodium

One of the most common problems associated with fluid retention is a high sodium diet. To control sodium consumption:

  • Minimize the consumption of fast food, packaged snacks, canned soups, and other processed foods;
  • Instead of salt, cook with lemon herb juices and vinegar;
  • In order to get rid of excessive sodium, drink more water and raise the hydration level.

Properly balancing your fluids is made easier when you eat more potassium rich food in moderation, such as bananas, potatoes, and oranges.

Exercise Regularly to Promote Blood Flow

Physical activity is essential when it comes to getting rid of excess fluid in the body. When you exercise, your muscles contract, which helps in the pumping of blood and lymphatic fluid to the heart. The following exercises are some of the most effective in minimizing your bloating:

  • Walking: This is an effective way of improving blood circulation and preventing the legs from swelling, and best of all, there is no equipment needed to perform this exercise;
  • Yoga and Stretching: There are several positions that can help in reducing swelling by mobilizing fluid and minimizing inflammation;
  • Strength Training: Attending fitness classes or lifting weights helps with muscle toning and can also improve circulation.

Even if you lack access to a fitness center, performing a simple set of exercises at home such as leg lifts or using a foam roller can help circulation and eliminate swelling.

Enhance Lymphatic System Function

Your body employs a highly effective drainage system that is responsible for detoxifying the body and removing excess fluid wastes – the lymphatic system. Keep in mind that unlike your bloodstream, the lymphatic system does not have a pump; rather, it is solely dependent on muscle movement. 

Here are some techniques to promote lymphatic circulation:

  • Perform Deep Breathing Exercises: As your diaphragm is one of the major players in the circulation of lymphatic fluid, try to inhale slowly and deeply;
  • Use Lymphatic Massage Techniques: Lightly massaging the arms, neck, and legs can promote the circulation of fluid;
  • Choose Clothing That is Comfortable and Loose: Clothing that is too tight and high-heeled shoes can weaken the flow of lymph fluids resulting in bloating and swelling. 

If persistent puffiness is one of your issues, understanding how to facilitate lymphatic detoxification will most certainly help tremendously when it comes to improving your fitness regime. 

When the retention of water imitates weight gain, it can cause one to feel like the exercise routine was not effective. You may feel that even after regularly working out, your midsection or sides look bloated. One of the reasons could be fluid retention rather than fat. 

Fluid Retention Signs

  • Your weight spikes astoundingly over a small period of time;
  • You notice swelling in your ankles, fingers, or face during the day;
  • You wake up with indents on your skin caused by clothing or bed;
  • Rings and shoes don’t feel uncomfortable until the evening.

Based on these signs recognized, it is possible to shift your strategy and not have unrealistic expectations tracking your progress in a fitness club or home workouts. 

For a muscular and lean appearance, here is how you can adjust the fluid balance. Reducing water retention is not about unreasonably lowering weight, but putting effort into ensuring you feel energized, healthy, and lighter, improving your overall fitness. Here are some tips: 

  • Get Enough Sleep: Hormonal disruption is caused by insufficient sleep, which heightens water retention;
  • Cut Down on Caffeine and Alcohol: Both substances can lead to dehydration which your body can respond to by retaining fluid;
  • Replace with Herbal Teas: Dandelion tea, green tea, and ginger tea is said to be very useful due to its diuretic effect;
  • Refrain from Prolonged Sitting: Especially when working on a desk job, get up and walk around every hour to minimize fluid retention.

Incorporating these changes into your life will allow you to appreciate a noticeable difference in time for your body’s fluid regulation, allowing your physique to be increasingly fit and toned.

Final Thoughts: Sustaining Your Success Over Time

While water retention can be irritating, remember that it is fully manageable as long as you take the right measures. By increasing one’s hydration, cutting down on salt, having an active lifestyle, and helping your body with lymphatic drainage, one can achieve a toned and healthier physique. 

Regardless if one partakes in simple exercises aimed for beginners or trying advanced high-intensity workouts, striking that healthy balance with how much water you drink in winter season will always be vital to energy and the overall well being of the body.

Take Action Now!

To achieve your best self, look no further, as applying these simple steps will guide you to success. Get involved in the forum community, check out evidence-based fitness tips, and learn how to adapt fitness routines for long lasting results.

Don’t let temporary pauses hinder your progress – aim for the highest possible version of yourself!

Yoga myths and effects on the body

The Realities and the Myths of How Yoga Changes Your Body

“Hello experts! I’m looking to commence yoga for my physical fitness. However, I have been listening to diverse opinions regarding its true value on the body. Some say it is great for flexibility and stress relief, while others state it does not really help in building strength or losing weight.

What I’m wondering is, can yoga actually be useful in muscle toning and boosting fitness levels or is it primarily for relaxation? There’s a ton of advanced poses I see online, and to be honest, they seem impossible. Do I need to be super flexible in order to start, or do I have to do some beginner fitness drills first to improve my range of motion? I’d love expert tips on how to optimally practice yoga without feeling like it’s too much!”

Yoga is often associated with increasing one’s physical flexibility and mental clarity while improving one’s fitness health. Still, there are misconceptions even about what yoga can do or can’t do. Is yoga effective in weight loss? Does it make you completely devoid of emotions? Can you truly put yourself in extreme poses?

Now, lets debunk these questions with some facts and my personal experiences. My objective is to help you change your body and mind, and understand how this ancient practice actually works.

Myth #1: Receiving a Yoga Session Guarantees Great Flexibility Improvement

Reality: Yoga changes mobility as well as flexibility of an individual.

There’s a common presumption that yoga is a practice reserved for people who can bend their bodies into a pretzel or backbend deeply. But an equally important aspect of yoga is flexibility, and it is one of the bones that holds the system together.

Even a simple forward bend can be intense for the average individual. But with some effort, you will notice improvements in your movements over time but don’t expect miracles to happen overnight. Achieving greater flexibility is the result of applying heightened fitness techniques as well as appropriate patience and stretching techniques:

  • What Am I Trying to Say: You will actually find your movements more functional, which will make everything from daily tasks to exercises feel much easier;
  • So What Won’t Happen: You won’t attain flexibility that allows you to achieve extreme poses if you do not dedicate years of your time to practice.

If you purposefully intend to combine fitness and movement in a manner that is easier on the body, yoga is the answer to this problem as it delivers long lasting results.

Myth Number 2: Doing Yoga Helps To Lose Weight Fast

Reality: It is true that yoga assists in weight loss but it is not considered a high calorie burning activity.

People think doing a little bit of yoga will transform your body into a slim figure. Okay, yoga can assist with losing weight but it is not effective like high intensity cardio workouts or weight lifting training is. Let’s take a look at what yoga does:

  • Lowering stress which lowers cortisol levels in your body which is responsible for fat storage;
  • Increased digestion and less bloating because the lymphatic system is enhanced;
  • Increased sensitivity to body awareness, resulting in less overeating.

For those people looking to lose much weight, practicing yoga along with body exercise like strength training or HIIT at home will give better results.

Myth Number 3: Yoga Practitioners Do Not Feel Any Emotions Whatsoever and Are Highly Detached

Reality: In fact, yoga enables practitioners to deal with their emotions in a much more constructive manner.

People fear that they will become chronic yoga practitioners, resulting in complete apathy towards life. The fact is, yoga enhances the ability to manage emotions rather than getting rid of feelings that are unpleasant.

  • What Actually Happens Instead: There is an increase in the ability to feel and healthier ways of processing feelings;
  • Which Begs the Question, How is This Useful: Most of our stress responses are conditioned and automatic, which is why we need yoga instructors because they help us learn how to observe our actions and think about the way we want to react rather than acting immediately.

In a world of constantly increasing stress, yoga ensures that you are able to cope with your feelings instead of suppressing them. And it achieves that with utmost clarity.

The Secret to Success in Yoga Practice

The secret behind reaping the benefits of yoga is – practice.

According to Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, yoga is not something that you feel like doing and only practice it on those days – it takes some discipline. Many newbies begin their journey enthusiastically only to lose that enthusiasm a couple of sessions in. The real magic, however, is if you follow through with regular practice.

Why Regular Practice Matters

In the world of fitness, smaller chunks of sustained effort always yield better results as opposed to one long intense workout session:

  • Your endurance begins increasing, muscles get stronger, and as time goes on your breathing steadily improves;
  • You become more self-aware, not just physically but mentally as well.

Even 10 minutes of work, every day, can show remarkable results. And as you start practicing consistently, watch as fitness and wellness permeate your routine.

The Physical and Mental Benefits of Yoga Over Time

Yoga isn’t simply about the postures undertaken; it changes different aspects of a person’s existence. As per ancient wisdom, people are composed of different “koshas” or layers of existence:

  • Annamaya Kosha (Physical Body): The physical structure comprising muscles and bones, which are strengthened and stretched during yoga practice;
  • Pranamaya Kosha (Energy Body): The life force that is harnessed through Pranayama (breathing techniques) incorporated in yoga;
  • Manomaya Kosha (Mind & Emotions): Your mental state, which yoga aims to balance by reducing stress and increasing attention;
  • Vijnanamaya Kosha (Wisdom & Intuition): Insight and deeper inner knowledge that are cultivated through mindfulness;
  • Anandamaya Kosha (Bliss State): Advanced practitioners describe peace and contentment as the most experienced blissful state of existence.

Consistent yoga practice changes fitness thinking from focusing on the body to developing every aspect of your essence, which nourishes a person for overall well-being.

How to Feel the Benefits of Yoga Faster

If you are looking for the best and quickest benefits of yoga, then you will some some of the following tips:

Start Small, But Stay Consistent

Rather than lengthy sessions a couple of times a month, prefer shorter sessions each day. Regular practice of even beginner-friendly exercises can be extremely beneficial.

Breathing Exercises

Breath can greatly increase relaxation levels and energy levels. It is a key element of your mind and body. To increase the benefits of yoga, introduce deep breathing exercises into your practice.

Mix Yoga with Other Exercises

If you are taking yoga lessons, complement them with mobility drills, strength workouts, or even light cardio for an all-inclusive approach.

To stimulate muscle strength and endurance, elastic, dynamic exercises have embedded asanas of yoga in many fitness lessons.

Regard Asanas as Movements But Know Their Significance

Gradually, you start looking at the asanas not as poses but as movements during which you use your body mindfully.

To my mind, the stronger your awareness, the greater the rewards will be.

People Who Practice Yoga

In short, everyone can practice yoga. Whether you are a working professional looking to become more athletic or an individual who wants to have less stress in their life, yoga will always come in handy.

Different Types of Yoga for Different People

  • For Beginners: Slow movements set a baseline for more vigorous practice;
  • For Women: Poses practiced in certain styles of yoga can help improve your hormonal health, pelvic position, and general health;
  • For Seniors: Gentle stretches with low impact can promote flexibility and joint health;
  • For Athletes: Mobility enhancements through yoga can expedite recovery and reduce injuries.

Always remember that it does not matter whether you work out in a fitness center, a fitness club, or even at home. What matters is consistency.

Final Thoughts: Remember to Incorporate Yoga in Your Daily Routine

Yoga is far from just a set of stretches; it is a philosophy that develops one’s fitness health, mental health, and emotional health. If you want to find an effective and sustainable way to change your fitness habits for the rest of your life, practicing yoga would be ideal.

Are You Prepared to Dive In? Simply make time for 10-15 minutes of practice daily, and you’ll reap the benefits. Understand that the key to success in this practice is to sustain it rather than focus on intensity.

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Foam roller fitness

Effective Foam Rolling Exercises for Muscle Recovery

”Hey experts, I’ve been using a foam roller after my workouts to help with muscle soreness and flexibility. I think it has some benefits, but I’m unsure whether I’m doing it properly or missing something.”

Foam rolling, also referred to as myofascial release, is a self massage technique that takes “self pampering” to a whole other level. It works wonders for muscle stiffness, enhances range of motion, and accelerates recuperation. 

Whether you are an experienced bodybuilder or a novice looking to relieve muscle soreness, using a foam roller is extremely beneficial.

Foam rolling applies pressure to specific muscle areas which increases blood flow, aids in reducing soreness after workouts, and improves overall fitness health. The following is a breakdown of how foam rolling works, the correct form for performing foam rolling, and the suggested exercises which target relief of specific muscle regions.

What Is Myofascial Release and Why Does It Matter

Understanding Fascia And Its Role In Movement

Fascia is the thin layer surrounding muscles, organs, and nerves that acts as connective tissue to hold everything together while allowing movement. Fascia can get tight from prolonged tension due to sitting, working out hard, or from bad posture, resulting in discomfort or restricted movement.

Myofascial release (MFR) involves self-massaging with a foam roller or massage ball that targets fascial tissues, causing the muscles to feel unglued. Adoption of these techniques into treatment regimens which target stiffness and range of motion is gaining popularity among fitness instructors, personal trainers, and physical therapists.

Foam Rolling Benefits

  • Improves range of motion and flexibility due to reduction of fascial tightness;
  • Improves recovery time and speed of muscles by enhancing the blood;
  • Circulatory and oxygen flow during and after a workout;
  • Relaxes and relieves muscle soreness after exercising;
  • Prepares muscles for exercise when foam rolling is done within a warm-up routine;
  • Assists in improvement of the lymphatic drainage system and elimination the metabolic wastes.

Whether you work out at a fitness center or exercise at home, foam rolling prevents injuries and improves the quality of movements overall.

The 5R System for Effective Foam Rolling

Foam rolling is most effective when employing the 5R system which provides targeted results with the least amount of discomfort:

  • Rolling: Slowly move the foam roller in the same direction as the length of the muscle;
  • Resting: Once you reach the target area, bear down and relax in that position to relieve tension;
  • Releasing: While applying foam roller pressure, shorten and lengthen the muscle so the release is deeper;
  • Raking: Once pressure is on the skin, shift the skin as if lifting it from the sunk position to stretch the underlying tissues;
  • Resting: Gradually rocking and laced movements can lift the muscle fibers into the air without putting pressure on the muscle.

Best Foam Rolling Exercises for Different Muscle Groups

Foam rolling exercises can be performed at any time around the workout. Before the training commences, light rolling as a form of muscle stimulation and increasing joint mobility, while after training exercises a slow and deep rolling will help with recovery.

Rolling the Quad Muscles: Front Thigh Muscles

Steps to Achieve This:

  • Start with the foam roller placed beneath the thighs and support your upper body with your forearms;
  • Now, start rolling forward and backward slowly, covering the length of the quads;
  • Once you find a tight area, hold that quad position for at least 20-30 seconds.

Reason Why This Method is Helpful:

  • Helps to loosen tight quadriceps muscles, which lessens knee strain;
  • Helps in boosting blood flow and reducing soreness that occurs after a workout.

Foam Rolling for the Hamstrings

Steps to Achieve This:

  • Get into a seated position with the foam roller placed underneath the thighs;
  • Place your hands behind you to support your upper body and slowly start rolling from the knees to the glutes.

Reason Why This Method is Helpful:

  • Increases flexibility for the hamstrings, which reduces the risk of lower back pain;
  • Aids in muscle recovery after intensive leg workouts.

Release IT Band: Outer Thigh Muscles

Steps to Achieve This:

  • Now, lie sideways on a foam surface with the foam roller resting placed beneath your outer thigh;
  • Support your upper body and then roll from the hip to the knee.

Reason Why This Method is Helpful

  • This helps reduce tension in the IT band, which is common with runners and cyclist;
  • Helps in getting rid of knee pains by enhancing your hip mobility.

Calf Muscle Massage

How to Do It:

  • While seated on the floor, place the foam roller beneath the calves;
  • To massage, roll the foam roller from above the ankles until just below the knees;
  • To increase pressure if needed, cross one leg over the other.

Why It Works:

  • Can help relieve tight calves which may trigger shin splints;
  • Helps with blood and oxygen circulation and increases flexibility.

Upper Back and Spine Release

How to Do It:

  • While lying comfortably on the floor, place the foam roller across the upper back;
  • Keeping knees bent, raise your hips slightly and roll back and forth;
  • While rolling be careful to not apply any direct pressure to the lower spine.

Why It Works:

  • Aids in relieving tension in the upper part of the back, which may stem from prolonged sitting or slouching posture;
  • Enhances the movement of the spine increasing its range of motion, which is important for any fitness beginner and an advanced athlete.

Neck and Shoulder Release

How to Do It:

  • Do not roll over the neck bones or the spine;
  • Utilize a more gentle foam roller or a massage ball pressed against the wall for a more gentle release.

Why It Works:

  • Helps relieve the stress and tension accumulated over a long period of screen time;
  • Great for avoiding headaches brought on due to muscle tightness around the neck.

How to Select the Appropriate Foam Roller

Foam rollers come in various dimensions and forms. The choice of which to purchase ought to be based on the user’s preferences and requirements:

  • Soft Foam Rollers: Constructed from softer material, these rollers are perfect for beginners or users with sore muscles;
  • Firm Foam Rollers: These rollers provide deep tissue massage, thus are more suitable for experienced users;
  • Textured/Ribbed Rollers: These rollers aid in deep tissue massage by incorporating some ribs onto the surface. This feature allows users to neutralize severe muscle knots and trigger points;
  • Massage Balls: Great for relieving soreness in concentrated areas, like the shoulders and feet.

As a gentle reminder for novices, foam rolling is best done with a smooth roller to reduce discomfort. If you are a professional athlete or someone attending many workout sessions, then a roller with a rough surface will be able to help relieve muscle stiffness.

Things Relating to Foam Rollers that Should be Avoided

  • Rolling Too Fast: Moving too fast accomplishes little. Progress at a slow pace;
  • Applying Excessive Force: If it is too uncomfortable to endure, then lessen the pressure;
  • Not Drinking Enough: In order for the body to resorb the toxins released during foam roller, it is essential for the user to hydrate after the activity;
  • Tensing Muscles: Calm and steady breathing releases tight muscles;
  • Rolling Directly on Joints or Bones: Avoid causing injury by rolling over just the muscles.

Following these pointers together can be beneficial in foam rolling. You might still experience soreness after foam rolling, but some of the pain can be reduced using these pointers.

Wrapping Everything Up: Integrating Foam Rolling Into Your Daily Health Routine

A foam roller is an underappreciated but essential tool that improves fitness and helps in muscle recovery. Stiffness, flexibility, and movement quality of an individual can greatly improve after incorporating rolling within their workout routines, no matter if it is done at home, a gym, or a fitness centre.

Get Started Now

You can achieve expecting results by simply rolling for five to ten minutes a day. Doing foam rolling combined with other exercises for women or seniors can greatly improve their mobility.

In addition to that, it can also be used right before or after workouts to improve mobility in both active individuals and for muscle recovery.

Are you ready to take your fitness to the next level? Relieve muscle tension from shoulders and lower back by grabbing a foam roller and start rolling out aches and pains.

Best weightlifting shoes

7 Best Weightlifting Shoes Reviews

Do you need shoes for weightlifting? Then you are at the right place.

It’s important to have the right footwear for the job. Keep in mind that your average day sneakers are designed for running, and are therefore amply cushioned to absorb the force of impact. On the other hand, weightlifting shoes are meant to help you generate as much force as possible. How does this work? Well, this fits nicely into the next section of the review – what to look for.

We have made a list of best weightlifting shoes and we are sure that you will find a perfect pair for your workout.

Our top recommendation is the Otomix Bodybuilding & Wrestling Shoes. They may not be versatile, but they make it up by heavily specializing.

The Reebok Men’s Crossfit Lite TR Training Shoe is probably your best choice if you want value for money in cross fitting/weightlifting department. If you’re scouring the market in search for the best wide-feet support, look no further than the Pendlay Do-Win Crossfit Weight training Shoes – Men’s Gray Weight Power Lifting Shoe.

Our Top Recommendation – Otomix Bodybuilding & Wrestling Shoes

Work your finger to the bone with Otomix’s weightlifting shoes for men with a flat heel, thin soles. It’s a pair ideal for CrossFit, squats and deadlift as it lacks an elevated heel, padding, and includes a thin rubber sole for maximum grip. The Otomix Stingrays has thin soles to lessen the scope of motion in the deadlifts insignificantly and enhance performance. Without cushioning, no thrust is dissipated.

The rubber sole offers a firmer grip on the surface to take on sumo deadlifts. Leather and synthetic textiles make it ultra-lightweight for resistance training. This high top model best suits bodybuilders, wrestlers and weightlifters who need ankle support. It would have made a perfect deadlift shoe if the manufacturer included the metatarsal strap for improved stability. The shoe comes in retro designs that define Otomix products.

In all, the Otomix Stingray offers a perfect item for all-round gym abuse like deadlifts. Onto the bad, the show is small for giant wearers.


  • Canvas/leather materials for optimal performance;
  • Ultra-lightweight design;
  • High top for ankle support;
  • Rubber sole for firm grip;
  • Flexible for all-round gym use.


  • No metatarsal strap.

#2 Recommendation – Nike Men’s Romaleos 3 Shoes

Nike Romaleo’s 3 Men Weightlifting shoes provide ultimate support and breathability for pumping iron. Heavy weight lifters should not use normal sneakers and athletic shoes. You’ll need a pair of lifting shoes like Nike Romaleo’s 3. It has essential features such as a raised, firm heel to reduce the ankle range movement needed. A solid heel keeps you stable with a backbreaking weight on your back.

For starters, you get a solid sole and heel from this weightlifter’s pair of shoes. A raised heel minimizes the ankle range motion needed and acclimatizes you into a squat position without unnatural curvature. It’s made from a blend of fabric and synthetic leather that supports mesh on top with maximum breathability. Flywire cables and nylon midfoot strap lock your foot securely into place. Two replaceable insoles render soothing and firm support.

On the whole, this Nike Romaleo’s 3 Men lifting shoes are for a training beast. You also get Honeycomb TPU plate for lightweight steady support and high-traction, grip-optimized solid rubber outsole for rigid and stable sessions. It’s for those seeking to develop improved ankle flexibility.


  • Maximum firmness and stability;
  • Flywire polymer filaments strengthen the structure;
  • Rubber sole for maximum surface area;
  • Plenty of traction;
  • Rock-solid TPU platform.


Minimal padding increases tension.

#3 Recommendation – Adidas Performance Adipower

Comfort And Support

The shoes feature a rubber sole, so you won’t have to worry about slipping on any surface. This is a constant danger for gym-goers and competitive weightlifters. There is also a PU-coated upper to provide you with additional comfort and support, as well as some bare minimum protection from falling objects. For added integrity, there is an adjustable hook-and-loop inset strap in the rear of the shoe. Naturally, no shoe is complete without comfortable textile lining, and we’re glad the folks over at Adidas took the time to add it.

Speaking of the shoes intended purpose, the structural strength is achieved using a weightlifting-engineered chassis with lightweight injected polymer. Moreover, the shoe sports a heel overlay for superior stability, as well as VentFlow openings in outsole to give you an added measure of comfort. They may seem a bit too snug at first, but they will loosen up given enough time, just about as any other shoe. Wearing these shoe’s, you’re almost guaranteed your but will drop to the floor with the very first squat, so take notice.


This synthetic weightlifting shoes comes in two standard styles, a Black/Light Scarlet/Tech Grey/Metallic S combo and one in Core White/Black/Tech Grey/Metallic S. It’s worth noting that these shoes are not explicitly men’s shoe, so if there are some ladies that are thinking of buying a pair, you’re welcome to it as long as the style suits you. 

In other words, to figure out your size for these shoe’s, all you have to do is to is check out the conversion chart (the sizes are, unfortunately, explicitly for men). 

For example, a typical size 8 for women would be 6.5 for men, meaning if you’re an 8, order a 6.5, and you’re set to go.


Being top of the line, the shoes have a price-tag range to match. You’d have to shell out at least a Benjamin, or call in the triplets.


There are no actual drawbacks to these puppies apart from the fact that they are solely intended for Olympic weightlifting, although you could do power-squats in them. If you should decide to buy them, we wouldn’t recommend using them for any other purpose beside the intended one.

#4 Recommendation – Inov-8 Men’s FastLift 335 Cross-Training Shoe

As the name might suggest, the Inov-8 Men’s FastLift 335 Cross-Training Shoe are intended not only for weightlifting, but also a whole range of related and not-so-related disciplines.

Comfort And Support

As far as comfort goes, the FasLift has a-plenty. These shoes feature a synthetic sole, as well as the very grippy rubber FastLift outsole to prevent you from slipping on sweat or water. The heel is about three quarters of an inch high. The upper part of the shoe consists of a nylon ripstop upper with lightweight welded synthetic overlays for added comfort and some measure of protection. There is also an adjustable hook-and-loop instep strap for added rear foot integrity.

One definitive plus is the breathable mesh lining which allows your foot to… well, breathe, and not overheat or develop funky fungi. For your foot’s well-being, the shoe also makes use of padded tongue and collar; this has the added benefit when it comes to stabilizing and securing your foot within the shoe. The forefoot is fairly flexible, which makes these shoes akin to double-under and box jumps possible, but we wouldn’t recommend it unless you intend to compete in an event. As far as sizing goes, we recommend you go for a half size (US) of what you normally wear, although some might find true-to-size size sufficient.


The Inov-8 Men’s FastLift 335 Cross-Training Shoe comes in several color combos: Blue/White, Lime/Black/Red, Black/Red/Carbon, Yellow/Black and Forest/Black/Red/Lime. This is a unisex shoe, so if you want a women’s shoe, use the conversion chart to find out your size, as the numbers applies to men’s feet.


This is an ideal lightweight and one the best option for Crossfit enthusiasts, who also practice some regular heavy lifting. If you’re strictly a lifter, you might as well shell out some more moola and get a pair of Nike lifters. Otherwise, the price makes it just about affordable choice of hybrid boots.


There are no drawbacks that we could find, other than it’s a hybrid, and not suitable for either strict lifters or exclusive crossfitters.

#5 Recommendation – 2013 Pendlay Do-Win Crossfit Weightlifting Shoes

Although the model’s name is trotting behind the current year, the 2013 Pendlay Do-Win Crossfit Weightlifting Shoes – Men’s Gray Weight Power Lifting Shoe is one of the best lifting shoes in 2017.

Comfort And Support

The heel stands at three quarters of an inch, which is the height favored by the competitive lifters in Olympic lifting. The most striking innovation with this shoe is the change in the sole design which makes it a single sole throughout. This contributes to increased structural strength and flexibility of the sole. The shoe is avowedly suitable for crossfitters, but the sole recommends it solely for Olympic weightlifting.

The shoe is real leather with heavy-duty black nylon mesh throughout for added support. They are quite stable and best suited for people with wide feet. However, even a “regular” foot will fit fairly snugly, though we wouldn’t recommend it for people with narrow feet. In other words, they’re a bit on the wide side. It is worth noting that the size does not run true, so make sure that you follow company’s instructions and get half a size down from your running / training shoes.


The design features a few color combos, some of which are fairly tasteful (subjectively speaking) – Gray (three shades of), Black/Lime and Black-n-Blue. As they run large, you should take notice when order for a woman’s foot. Again, this may not apply to everyone, but it’s a valid rule of thumb – go half a size down.


The value of the 2013 Pendlay Do-Win Crossfit Weightlifting Shoes – Men’s Gray Weight Power Lifting Shoe is significantly increased by the 90-day warranty. As far as price goes, given it’s leather shoe, the numbers seem more than fair.


The only drawback we could find is that the shoe sells as Crossfit shoes, yet the company recommends it as best for the Olympics. It seems somewhat counterintuitive, but there you have it.

#6 Recommendation – Reebok Men’s Crossfit Lite TR Training Shoe

Despite the unassuming looks, the Reebok Men’s Crossfit Lite TR Training Shoe proved to be well-suited for lifting, although its primary athletic area still is CrossFit.

Comfort And Support

The heel is absent viewed from outside, but the shoe does sport a Heel Clip for superb response and stability when you decide to do some heavy lifting. The shoe also features a high-abrasion small-teethed rubber sole, whose primary function is to provide superlative traction on almost any kind of surface short of Teflon. Moreover, the Crossfit Lite weightlifting shoes is made of durable, yet comfortable synthetic materials, providing a fair measure of support and coziness.

There is a mesh tongue that provides ventilation for your feet, which, given the shoe reaches above the ankles, is a necessity. Speaking of the ankles, the shoe ensures a dial-in fit and support due to the traditional lace-up enclosure. The shoe features padded foam sockliner cushions and comforts purely for sake of comfort.


The design of the Crossfit Lite weightlifting shoes is reminiscent of the Converse All Star model, although the similarity is purely coincidental. The shoe is available in a variety of combos: Black/Flat Grey, Gravel/High Vis Green/Rebel Berry/Black, Trek Grey/Flux Orange/Steel, Dark Brown/Gust Blue/White, Reebok Navy/Conrad Blue/White, Sand Trap/Pebble/Primal Green, Flat Grey/Foggy Grey/Black/White, Gravel/Neon Blue/Black and Flat Black.

Although it is possible to order this model for women using the conversion chart, it’s much easier to look for the correlated model.


Although it is conceivable to wear the Reebok Men’s Crossfit Lite TR Training Shoe as an everyday shoe, it would be a pity to do so, despite the affordability. This is probably the best value for money you can get, as far as this list is concerned.


Apart from an occasional complaint that the shoe runs too wide, there are no drawbacks, and even this is mitigated due to the laces going almost all the way down but still it made it’s way to the our list.

#7 Recommendation – Reebok Women’s Crossfit Nano 3.0 Training Shoe

Bringing a breath of fresh air, here’s a product designed specifically for women – the Reebok Women’s Crossfit Nano 3.0 Training Shoe.

It was a tie between this model and the Reebok Women’s Crossfit Lite TR Training Shoe; however, as the correlated men’s model is already described, we decided to present something different.

Comfort And Support

This weightlifting shoe has garnered over three hundred over three hundred reviews on Amazon, the vast majority of which seems to be positive, and the rest are minor complaints and faulty shipping. The shoe, despite the misgivings you may have because of its appearance, is perfectly suitable for lifting. This is a veritable beast of versatility built with various disciplines in mind. Additionally, it’s also fit for running shorter distances, though we wouldn’t recommend running longer tracks in them, or participating in competitive events.

What makes them the best women’s weightlifting shoes is the synthetic sole coupled with a 360° PU Cast for lightweight, seamless, specifically designed for engineered support and durability. Moreover, the shoe features Dual Density for rearfoot support and stabilization, as well as protection from impact. The stability is guaranteed thanks to the RCF Natural last that permits full foot dispersion, as well as the Medial/Lateral Rope Guard and multi-directional outsole splay zone.

The comfort factor is brought in by ETC anti-friction lining to reduce abrasion and heat build-up with breathable air mesh, which incidentally further enhances the support provided. To continue, there is also a Die Cut Ortholite sockliner for added measure of coziness. These shoes run true to size, and need no conversion chart or calculations. Naturally, the weightlifting shoes are also available for men, but only with proper conversion charts at hand.


The Reebok Women’s Crossfit Nano 3.0 Training Shoe is available in ten styles of vivid colors, thus making your choice that much easier. Or difficult.


If you’re struggling with squats, this just might be the edge you need; to say it comes at an affordable price is an understatement.


There are no complaints about the shoe, apart from the frequent users who would like more cushioning. The thing is, these are the best option for women, first and foremost, and despite the amazing versatility, you should probably invest in training shoes for frequent track use.

How To Choose Good Weightlifting Shoes?

Let’s start with something obvious – purpose. What do you intend to use them for? Do you need them solely for Olympic events, or Cross fit activities, as well? Keep in mind that a cross fit shoe will suit you in both cases.

Next, pay attention to the heel height. Yes, there’s a heel in them. Most range between half an inch to an inch. Try them, squat with them, and see how they feel.

After that, check the strapping and support. There’s no sense having these shoes that don’t support your feet, or worse yet, offer a half-ass support.

Next, and related to the previous, mind the shoe width. Most of the shoe will have laces all the way down to toes to tighten the shoe against various foot widths. In short, get the shoe that feels snug, stable and supportive.

For the purpose of this review, we took a number of both pure weightlifting shoes and cross fits, and measured them up against the criteria that our resident experts had set. We established four categories for features – utility, comfort, design and value, with another floating category (just in case) called – drawbacks.

Final Thoughts

A bit of a disclaimer before we close – most of the models here presented are unisex, with the right conversion chart. Additionally, there are corresponding models specifically designed for women. We should take some space to explain the difference between weightlifting and powerlifting. Whereas weight training uses the snatch and the jerk and clean, powerlifting uses squats, bench press and deadlift. The difference may seem minor, but it greatly affects how you train for lifts.